To understand deeply the stories and history known about the Tibetan Terrier it is wise to take a look back in History and Geography.
the kingdom in central
with a strong guidance of Buddhist monks was at no time well known and open to the world. The people there lived their quite, separated unique and even monotone life in this small country surrounded by high majestic mountains allowing travelers to arrive only at good weather conditions for a short time of the year. Even then strangers especially foreigners were not welcomed, but just recognized as “Outsiders” as “Evil”.
The people in Tibet every day had to fight for their life - fight for something, for the corn and other vegetable growing for a short period on the poor stony soil, fight to protect their yaks, sheep’s and gods to get the milk and the meat for the daily needs. They need to be alerted and protected from robbers and wild animals in their daily search for fire wood and water. Enemies could come close or hide easily in the shadow of rocks and mountains. So it is not difficult to understand that somebody with much better developed senses should take those tasks to protect them the dogs. Most of the villagers relied completely on their dogs. A wide spectrum of tasks in the daily schedule has been given to their small companions. In the morning accompanying the herds to their feeding grounds ensuring that no one get lost on unsecured ways, during the daytime being with the woman collecting the wood, carrying the water or work on the fields and during the night remain alerted - at any time to wake up the much stronger protective dogs guarding the homes and yards - the Tibetan Mastiffs. It is a sentinel - no stranger can approach the home of a owner of a Tibetan Terrier unannounced!
The Tibetan Terrier out of his nature a intelligent, independent, active, brave breed often called as “small person” or even “Holy Dog of Tibet” - has evolved over hundreds of years of harsh climate conditions, poor living conditions and hard work in the
. Sure footed and reliable, they were sometimes sent to accompany traveler on their journey home trough the mountains. In their families they were treated like children part of the daily life and even in the cold winter storms warming the owner’s feet.
This is why over a long period the Tibetan Terrier, known as a survivor, has little changed from the first pictures and photography’s received from travelers even up to today.
The first Tibetan Terrier as we know them today was introduced to the British Kennel Club for recognition by Dr. Agnes Greig, a brilliant surgeon and physician based in
in government service. She was given the dog by a grateful Tibetan whose ailing wife she treated. Dr. Greig bred and raised a number of Tibetan Terriers in
. When she returned to
, she established the famous Lamleh Kennel and the breed was recognized in 1937.